Wedding in Raches. Central Greece

What I remember very vividly from that day. are the smiles that Orestes and Katerina exchange all day, waiting to see in each other's eyes, the happiness of their big day. Hugs, kisses and then dancing and love in the air. All this together, gave the shape of an unforgettable day.
Katerina, full of tears, confessed. "I will always be by your side" and Orestes admitted that Katerina is his whole life "
Play loudly and enjoy

Raches of Fthiotida, the area where the wedding of Orestes and Katerina took place, is in Central Greece and is a village that has been built exactly on the same spot as the ancient city Alopi
The Gulf of Evia is located on the coast of the area and very close are the Lichadonissia a cluster of islands of tropical beauty.
Enjoy the day of their happiness by the follow pictures